Mile Positioning Solutions 应用

Sur les chemins de Miramas
“Sur les chemins de Miramas” is the mobile application whichoffersa series of guided tours, allowing you to discover Miramas.In thisday and age, your smartphone is your compass. With GPS andlocationservices*, this app will introduce you to a range of pointsofinterest, including just about everything there is to exploreinthe area (including leisure, artisans, shops, events etc.).Thebespoke audioguide provides tourist information andaudionavigation as you walk, run or cycle. The app is completelyfree.Whether you’re looking for a fitness challenge, or aculturalexperience, try the app today! The routes areautomaticallydownloaded when you launch the app, so you can eventake a tourwith your mobile in “airplane mode”, just in case youlose yourinternet connectivity en route. You can view your ownworkouthistory at any time, including the time you have spent onourroutes, and the number of calories you have burned. So, getyourrunning shoes on, or your bike ready: It’s time to see Miramaslikenever before. Rest assured, when you are finished, you willbeshocked at how unheard-of this Mediterranean jewel is. — Miramas,atown full of surprises! Nestling between Alpilles andCamargue,neighbouring La Crau, on the shore of the étang de Berrebay,Miramas certainly benefits from a perfect location in the heartofProvence. There are hidden treasures left, right and centre,andpublic footpaths to pave the way for everyone to discoverthem.Take a few moments to admire the breathtaking countrysidealong theway! The must-see spots: - Domaine de Cabasse, -Miramas-le-Vieux,- Parc de la Poudrerie, - Saint-Suspi Lake, - LaColonne Theatre, -Village de marques... A few sporting facilitiesin the heart ofnature: - Water sports centre, - Horse ridingcentres, - Golfcourse, - Street-workout facilities, - Skatepark, -Multisportsarenas… The events you cannot miss: - Racino e Jitello,- Nature enfête, - Mixed-Race Festival, - Soupe au pistouChampionships - TheVotive Festivals, - Medieval Festivas, - Allpaths leading toMiramas... — *Background use of GPS or locationservices can drainyour battery life.
Hoppy - Rester en forme à l'hôpital 1.0.0
Hoppy est une application smartphone gratuite pour lesutilisateursqui vise à proposer divers exercices physiques afind’améliorer lebien-être du personnel hospitalier, des patients etdesaccompagnants en complément des programmes descoaches,préparateurs physiques, kinés, etc. déjà utilisés par leshôpitaux.* Parcours de running et marche: Des parcours de course etdemarche de 5 à 10km audio-guidés, démarrant de l’hôpital, pourceuxqui veulent aller courir ou marcher le matin, durant lapausedéjeuner ou en sortant du travail. Tous les pointsremarquables surle chemin sont commentés pour que le corps et latête travaillent.* Parcours santé: Des parcours santé avecexercices créés par desspécialistes et assistés par vidéo dans lesextérieurs del’hôpital. Hoppy se sert du mobilier urbain (bancs,poteaux,escaliers, stations de street-workout, etc.) pour proposerdesexercices variés. * Exercices: Des exercices d’assouplissement,deposture, de relaxation, Qi Gong, etc. à faire assis à sonbureau,debout, dans son lit ou à la maison.
Visit Poitiers 1.0.7
Visit the city of Poitiers in a fun and practical way using yourGPS
Expleo Air France 1.0.5
Want to comfortably and easily discover the city you're in? Wanttolearn interesting facts and local information about thetown?Perhaps your friends have gone for an afternoon walk but youwouldrather explore the town while running? The Expleo app is thereforyou. Expleo introduces you to all the points of interest thatarenot to be missed, as well as giving you interesting facts aboutthecity, while you run or walk. Download the app, plug inyourearphones, pick one of the available routes, which you can dowhilewalking or running, and let the audioguide lead you! Not onlywillExpleo guide you round the whole route, Expleo willautomaticallygive you a guided tour of the town, giving insightsinto each ofthe points of interest passed en route. Expleo is nowavailable in10 cities across France and Europe, as well as New YorkCity!Whether you are travelling for business, are exploring theworld,or are curious to rediscover your hometown: you willfindeverything you need to know on Expleo - perfect for bothcultureand sport! Several types of route are available: walkingforsightseeing, running to combine sport with discovery, or"running+"for those who want to train hard. The routes range from 3to 15kmlong, and cover different areas in each town: you choose itall!Expleo also offers statistics on your run (running time,distance,speed, elevation, calories burned). You can download theroute inadvance to save mobile data on the walk or run,especiallyimportant when abroad. The GPS works perfectly without anInternetconnection!
MyThalassa 1.1.6
MyThalassa : your Wellness e-conciergerie !
courir@caluire 1.0.3
(Re) discover Caluire and Cook, thanks to the application cours @caluire
JOOKS Sport Tourism Experience 7.0.5
Explore 300+ cities around the world by running, walking, cycling,wheelchairing
enform@Lyon 2.2.7
For serious training or staying in shape, use enform@lyon todiscover the city.
CityGem - GPS & Audioguide 4.0.21
CityGem unearths and lets you discover gems simply and pleasantly
balades@poissy 1.0.5
Discover the Pisciacan heritage!
Mandelieu - Sport par Nature 1.0.8
Discover Mandelieu-La Napoule at your own pace by running,walkingor cycling.